Dear Ask Seed,
I would like to respond to a very inspirational letter and response that was recently directed to you sometime before Christmas. A "Concerned Pal" who was in need of helping his unemployed friend wrote it. The unspoken bond of love and affection that the "Concerned Pal" was expressing was one that no one could miss-read, and everyone wishes that they had. It was truly a beautiful out-pouring of emotion, and one that inspired me... as I am sure that it inspired everyone that had the opportunity to read it.
You see, I too was at a crossroads... I too was working at a rink bar... I too had been relatively unemployed for a period of time... I too was looking for a change of life that would support my personal skills set... and it was wonderful to hear you put that "Concerned Pal" in his place, even though his intentions were filled with nothing more than concern and love... He truly needed to "Not judge this man until he has sat a hour on his ass". Who is this weenie that seems to find it very easy to judge the position of others? I picture him as some kind of nerd or computer geek or something of that nature. Even with the mixed emotions of wanting to have a friend that has such concern for ones self, and also having some level of contempt for the "Concerned Pal" as he truly seems to be someone who has his life mapped out for him and has no understanding for those of us who are still trying to answer the question of "What do I want t be when I grow up?.... I was still able to take home some kind of inspiration from this letter, and make some changes to my life.

I have recently taken some employment... but not just a job... a career move... I have made a 180-degree move from my previous 20 years in one industry, and am trying to make a go of applying my learned experience and expertise in business management in a completely new work environment... Funny though, I am still not bringing home a steady paycheck, and I am still working for that rink bar... GREAT... now I am getting really depressed... Where is the inspiration that I began this letter with... here it is the middle of the night, and I am sitting up awake writing you this stinking letter as I am unable to sleep due to mixed up sleeping schedules with my new "career" and my continuing night job of bartending at the damn rink... I should be in bed getting some sleep so that I can apply myself to me new "career" in the morning, yet here I am, depressed by my new found "inspiration"... Who was this clown that went under the name of "Concerned Pal" anyways?... who gives him any right to judge, and also inflict his opinions on the rest of us through the "Ask Seed" depression hotline???
Maybe I will have to drink heavily now to put my misery to sleep... I believe that there is a bottle of something around that I can polish off so as to get some feeling of completion and accomplishment! Thanks again for pushing me closer to the breaking point of depression you "Concerned Geek"... do me a favor Seed, if you ever see this "Concerned Pal", just give him a swift kick in the balls for me so that maybe he will have to sit for an hour on my ass.
Sincerely, Bitter and Depressed (definitely uninspired!) Drunk.
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