- We promise to provide you with the same valuable Ask Seed insight and comedy.
- We promise to continue to be hard-hitting and relevant.
- We promise to continue to provide you with original Ask Seed photography and art work.
- And most of all, we promise to leave you wanting more.
So friends, all we need from you: sit back, unbuckle your belt, take off your bra and pull out your life, love and relationship queries and send them to Seed Headquarters at askseed@hotmail.com and we will get to your heartache in due time.
Oh yeah, we almost forgot, tell all of your friends!
We’ll try to answer at least one question per week. More if Ask Seed turns into a viable money making venture.
As if that is not enough, if you’d like to take a stab at being a guest Seed and answer one of the questions simply do the following.
- Come up with a catchy Seed moniker, ie: Female Seed, Gay Seed or even Ghoulish Seed.
- Answer the question using the following steps. 1) “take the piss” out of the question. Translation: have some fun and test out your comedic chops. 2) relate your answer to personal experiences. Translation: if the question is about albino transvestites, share your albino transvestite experiences. 3) and most important, offer some sage advice. Translation: the questions are from real people, with real concerns, therefore, show some gentle loving care. Let’s make the world a better place. Remember: your gentle loving care can be in the form of: stern laughter inducing advice.
- Now the tough part. In the effort to streamline Ask Seed --- we ask you to do it less than 600 words. Even The Seed is going to adhere to the new word restrictions --- we’ve promised to reduce and streamline the off tangent ramblings of the past. With new more precise ramblings in the future. Which happens to be: “in the moment.”
Doesn’t sound too difficult now, does it?
So what are you waiting for?
Ask away.
And when you do…
remember you asked
partially nude seed
P.S. Ask Seed answers have never been tested on animals or plants. We tried once to test one on my cat, but she hid under the couch. Don’t worry the cat has been sacked. If the response to Ask Seed continues to be overwhelming and we pick one of your answers for publication --- a prize will be rewarded. Prizes to be determined at a later date.
P.S.S.LMNOP. Visit our website at www.seedenterprises.com .
P…S. Put your clothes back on --- it’s cold out for Christ’s sake!
Last note: Below, yeah down there, under these words, do a little scrolling and you’ll find: Question 26... What you waiting for? --- get reading.
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