READER WARNING: Some readers may find the following language to be fucking offensive. If that is the case do one of the following:
- Read the Q & A with the lights off.
- Don’t read it out loud.
- Have someone else read it to you.
- Don’t read it at all.
- Read it. Embrace it. Tell all your friends about it.
- And, don’t forget to spoon the ones you love.
Hello Seed:
My name is WT - I have a rather strange question.

Do all your friends use the same kind of language?
I have observed, that most people have no idea of what they are actually saying. I have dyslexia, but love reading and have studied Lingusitics.
An example: A friend and I were in conversation many years ago. He was saying something to me in what we called 5 cent words as compared to 25 cent words. I asked him if he knew what he had said?
"Of course" was his answer.
I looked and said to him, "You can't, that word you just used has a totally different meaning." I then gave him the meaning of the word.
But I said, "don't take my word for it. Look it up in the Dictionary."
He came back to me later and said "You're right!"
Many people continue to use the F...k word, and if they knew what they were saying they wouldn't use it. It is the easiest word to say in our language, but also the most derogatory for women.
Take Care
I expected no reply, because of my comment on the lack of knowledge most people seem to have of their own language.
When I explain to most people for one, where our language actually originates, they seldom believe, or expect that kind of answer, then explain where the word f----k comes from they are dumbfounded.
When tell them Enlish originated from Sanskrit, that is the last thing people want, or expect to hear.
I expected to hear nothing from you was my explantion of F.....k and it's origin.
Wow WT
I'm just wondering if you've been living under a rock?
You speak for everyone and seem to think you understand what others like or don't like.
The word is simply used for effect and it has been for a long, long, long time now. What you're preaching is censorship.
Your words seem to be attempts to impress. To show you're knowledgeable. For your information, you say you studied linguistics, yet, in your email to me you spelled it incorrectly.
Instead of looking for words that might offend you, I suggest actually reading for the positive message.
I'll leave you with my most recent question and answer (previous ask seed). If you actually read for content, you'll realize that I'm tackling some serious subject matter with style, grace and a touch of humor.
I suggest lightening up a bit.
Oh yeah, there are far more offensive words than the F word. But of course, someone who has such a command of language would understand that.
Dear Seed
WT here, if you so choose to believe that, that is your right.

SO, whoopie, I misspelled Linguistics.
And no, I have not been living under a rock, quite the opposite.
I had a girlfriend who had a BA in Psychology, she told me when we were in conversation, I knew more about people than she.
Do you call working in a Welfare office living under a rock? NOT!
I often helped many of the people while there in more ways than one.
I am currently writing a novel. Had planned to send some of my works to a Magazine, until reading some of the works there. At that point decided against that, because of some of the language.
In case you're wondering. My old man used belligerencies more than anyone I have ever met. That is why I find it offencive.
Censorship has nothing to do with it. Do you want to hear fuck, fuck, fuck constantly.....I DID!
It just happens to be the easiest, the most offencive, and the most beautiful word at the same time, depending on its' usage.
That is why, I say people do not listen to they way they talk. Does this answer your question?
Hi WT,
Perhaps in our world of "Good Seed, Bad Seed" it is time for "Bad Seed" to take over.
Who am I kidding? There is no "Good" or "Bad Seed". We, just like everyone else, have both good and bad in us.

WT, what the hell do you want from us? What is your point and why are you trying to convince us that the word "fuck" is so offensive?
I feel that the point here is that we don't need this discussion to degenerate into a competition of who has which or how many university degrees or knows more words, more meanings of words or "more about people". We simply want to talk about the F-word here.
And I am not convinced that we are using the F-word incorrectly. I believe we do know what it means. Since you address this point so vehemently, there are several theories about the origin and the evolution of the meaning of the word "fuck":
"The etymology of fuck has given rise to a great deal of speculation, which should be regarded skeptically. The authoritative Oxford English Dictionary (OED) is cautious in providing an etymology for this word. In the quotation below, the dictionary's usual abbreviations are spelled out for clarity:
Early modern English fuck, fuk, answering to a Middle English type *fuken (weak verb) [which is] not found; ulterior etymology unknown. Synonymous German ficken can be shown to be related as well as Dutch fokken, meaning to breed or to strike.
It is unclear whether the word has always been considered impolite and, if not, when it was initially considered to be profane. Some evidence indicates that in some English-speaking locales it was considered acceptable as late as the 17th century meaning 'to strike' or 'to penetrate'. Other evidence indicates that it may have become vulgar as early as the 16th century in England. Other reputable sources such as the Oxford English Dictionary contend the true etymology is still uncertain but appears to point to an Anglo-Saxon origin that in later times spread to the British colonies and worldwide."
(Quoted from Wikipedia:
There are other theories, which suggest a possible connection to Latin, Greek, Swedish, Celtic, Spanish, Italian, Romanian and perhaps even Sanskrit, as you suggest. In any case, the term "Indo European" should cover all of the various etymological explanations for the word in question.

I would argue, WT, that the word's origin can perhaps be traced to a mixture of influences from different language groups. Whatever. That's not the point here. The origin is not important at all. Yeah, the word is considered to be vulgar. Yet it is useful in a variety of situations (as verb, noun, adjective, adverb, etc.) and commonly used. I would focus simply on today's meaning:
to fuck -
- to have sexual intercourse, to insert one's penis or an object or other body part into a specified body part ("My girlfriend and I fucked last night.");
- to be or put in a hopeless situation ("If they don't pay we're fucked.");
- to destroy ("Nice window, fuck it!");
- to con or defraud ("That guy playing the shell game fucked us out of 20 dollars.")
Or it can be used as an interjection to express fear or surprise or just simply to add emphasis: "Holy fuck!! Look at the size of that grizzly bear!! Quick, play dead!!!"
One more thing about the F-word, the usage above regarding "copulation" referred to "consensual sex", so I am not sure how that is disrespectful to women. And in case you do live under a rock, copulation can also be performed with men, blow-up dolls and in the Southern US and other parts of the world perhaps with sheep and other animals. So the word is not directed only at women.
Words and their usage evolve. Some words fade out and disappear, new words and meanings of existing words are coined. In contrast to earlier meanings of the word "fuck" and its origins (which are disputed and uncertain - see above), I find the usage and meaning in today's world much more important. After all, I can't remember how I used the word three hundred years ago. Let me think.... Was is to strike? To fight? To copulate? Man, I don't know. How's your Sanskrit, WT? Your Proto-Slavic? A little rusty? That's what I thought.... What I do know is that today, we speak and write IN ENGLISH.
And WT, my father and brother committed quite a few "belligerencies" (on my mother) as well. They didn't swear while doing so, they just kicked, punched and choked. Fuck, I wish that people in today's world would say "fuck" twenty times more often and hit or punch twenty times less. I would say that violence (whether it occurs in the home or is shown on TV, in the news, movies or in Iraq) is much more of a problem. Wouldn't you, WT?
Anyway, I don't know if you live under a rock. What if you do? That is your business and I am OK with that. It is probably a nice rock. Is it from IKEA? Was it flat packed? Did it come with an Allen wrench? We are committed to answering serious questions with humor and honesty. We accentuate the positives but pull no punches in pointing out the negatives and giving our opinion as to how these situations can be changed for the better.
Although we didn't study linguistics (we studied other stuff), we are nonetheless cunning linguists. We don't often say or write, as you state in your mail: "Fuck, fuck, fuck...." (that is, as long as our team doesn't give up a shorthanded goal). We use the F-word more often than others perhaps (we provide the reader with F-word counts for reading convenience), however I feel that it adds effect, feeling and perhaps it even shakes up the reader a bit.
WT, we are pleased that you took the time to write to us. That is cool. We are happy to hear your opinion, we just don't agree with it. I can only second the Seed when I say: "Read for content, lighten up and don't be so picky."
Don't worry, it is OK to laugh now and again. It is OK to correct someone if that person uses a word incorrectly, as you mentioned in the case of your friend above. That is indeed a favor. If you want to be picky and anal, go ahead, but remember that no one is perfect. Spelling and grammatical mistakes can creep in for a variety of reasons. We know that, and you should be aware of it as well (see your e-mails above). I used to be incredibly picky as well and Seed Enterprises had to pay a lot of money for the therapy and operation to have the huge "pickiness bug" removed from my ass.
It seems you have some great things going for you, WT. You have a girlfriend and a challenging job, where you can help people in a variety of ways. A job which gives you fulfillment. I truly wish more people were in your position. As well, you are working on a novel. That is truly a mammoth task and I wish the best of luck in completing it and getting it published. We at Seed Enterprises know how trying this process can be.
In a nutshell, WT, if you don't care for something, let's say spaghetti, then just don't eat it. I think everyone would be OK with that. But don't try to stop others from enjoying it. It is not your place and you simply have no right to impose your preferences on others. That goes for every aspect of life: food, language, politics, sexual orientation, fashion, going to the zoo, etc. etc. Think and act for yourself according to what you feel is best for you and those you care about. That is the central message that we convey, by the way.
Remember you asked (and replied to our answer)
euro seed
A Seed Afterthought
"Where the fuck are my keys?" (Seed patting his pockets).
"Damn it, I thought I left them on the fucking counter."
"Whew! There they are."

Anyway, I wanted to say one thing: That was fucking beautiful euro seed. I now truly understand what it means to: fuck, be fucked, along with several other ramifications of the whole fucking process involved when it comes to "fuck". And, you know what? That's really neat.
I'm not as offended by that nasty word anymore. You've allowed me to take away its power.
I'm no longer afraid of it. Let's say I got right back on the horse. That really is the only way to combat fear.
My suggestion to you, WT: go horseback riding - ride through meadows - over babbling brooks - ride to Gramma's house - pack a picnic - yummy foods for your tummy - take your girl - hire a flutist - enjoy!
"Look out WT, a ferocious Grizzly Bear! Over there!"
Jump on your horse WT, that fucking bear looks hungry, ride, ride, ride, ride and ride. Once you've found safety remember to fall off the horse. When you do, jump right back on and yell out at that bear, "FUCK, I showed you."
That completes a Seed Afterthought
Don't remember to visit and pick up a copy of Seed's Sketchy Relationship Theories - A Guide to the Perils of Dating.
While there, enter our exciting contest and remember to: Ride like the wind.
1 comment:
Thats fucked up
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