Look at this drivel:
This was one of the featured articles on the MSN homepage:.
It really is time for Ask Seed to rise to the forefront.
It really is time for Ask Seed to rise to the forefront.

Seed would like to ask you, the Ask Seed readers, to help us to build awareness and a “cult” following.
We may not always be right, however, we promise to entertain and give some food for thought.
In my opinion, the advice given in the above article is marginal at best. I know that we are all entitled to our opinions, however, I’m tired of people accepting mediocrity and trying to fit square pegs into round holes.
The point: if you’re willing to stray, to hurt the ones you supposedly “love”, you really have no business being in a relationship. If you can’t keep it in your pants, and I can’t stress this loud enough:
You’re not with the love of your life. If you were, you wouldn‘t be willing to throw it all away for a romp with a co-worker named Pepe.
If society followed this formula, we’d have fewer bad marriages, less divorce and not as many needy children running around searching for love. Eventually repeating the cycle for all time to come.
Cheatees, it’s time to accept the fact: CHEATER’S DON’T LOVE YOU. They can’t. They’re flawed lovers. I know it sucks to hear this and it is even harder to accept. Their selfishness (neediness) clouds their minds to the point that they only think of themselves. (There may be “exceptions” - I just haven’t met one yet).
Put your ego aside, I know it hurts and we need to believe that we’re good people. “PP,“ your girl didn’t trip, she cheated and now she wants you to buy her performance. I’m not buying it.
If you want to be a doormat - take her back and tattoo "WELCOME" across your chest.
To read more on Seed’s take on cheating click on the following link to the article:
No excuse for all that
If you are interested in reading more of Seed & Euro Seed’s views on: Love, life and relationships, pick up a copy of their book: Seed’s Sketchy Relationship Theories - A Guide to the Perils of Dating (How not to become a bar regular).
For details visit: www.seedenterprises.com

Photo commentary:
If you can’t poke fun at yourself and desperately try to hold on to your fleeting youth (insert unstoppable laughter), then can I ask you an uncomplicated question: What fun is life?
The above picture is intended to do just that. It is also intended to make you think: "could it really be gig…?”
Admit it: you're wondering. You may also find yourself wondering: “Where did the light come from?”
Back to the rebuttal:
The "bitch" cheated and immediately came clean so she can (pause) "cheat" again? How noble of her.
(If it was a guy doing the cheating: “bastard.”)
Sorry takes time. You can’t be grunting in the throes of passion one moment and hours later be apologizing for those grunts.
The only way for “PP” and “Bitch” to ever have a chance is if he dumps her. That’s probably what she wants him to do. Her performance, though good, was likely a test of his backbone, and if he buys into it, sure they’ll get back together, but it is only a matter of time before he’s kicked to the curb.
I envision it now: “I apologized, why do you keep bringing it up. If you can’t accept my apology and forgive me, I can’t be with you. Goodbye.”
He’ll end up being the bad guy.
I’ll let you in on a little secret: nobody wants to be with a pushover.
I don’t know, when I’m really in love and I don’t want to lose my lover, I go out and bang a co-worker in a weak, needy moment. Sounds like another “tripping accident“. Don’t buy it. Cheating is not an accident, tripping is. Unless that tripping is on magic mushrooms or other hallucinogenic substances. In that case -- not an accident.
One of my cheating ex’s had me so concerned that they’d hurt themselves that in my neediness, I actually bought the performance.
Guess what?
I didn’t mean that literally.
Later, I counted the notches on the bedpost.
Sure, people can change, but c’mon, she hadn’t even washed away the co-worker's DNA and she’s already pleading her case. “Bitch” may not be strong enough. She could at least shower before she “comes” clean.
It’s like Osama coming clean immediately after a terrorist strike and then asking us to forgive him.
“'Death to America!!!!' Umm, sorry….. Oops, I made a mistake. Please forgive me.”
Nice performance, he thought she might hurt herself. Why? Because he is such a stud and she loves him so much that she banged a co-worker. I did a web search, banging co-workers is just easy, meaningless sex.
How pathetic. If he buys the BS.
If he does, PP’s ego must be in the stratosphere.
And to top it off, the advice suggests the possibility of working on it 100%. Sounds like he's going to be asked to change to meet her needs. And if he does, she'll promise not to stray. Once again, how noble of her.
(Insert salivating counselors.)
Anyway, I don‘t normally get my feathers ruffled by other columnists, however, I think it is time to stop the proliferation of "telling the broken-hearted what we think they want or need to hear."
‘Cause, guess what?
Stop taking me literally. I don’t think the broken-hearted truly want to hear: “what we think they want to hear.” If someone asks you for your opinion I believe we have a responsibility not to mince words. I believe in this case the advice does exactly that: mince words.
“Rebuild the foundation.” You can’t rebuild what doesn’t exist.
Props for telling “PP” to put your feelings first. Yet, remember this “PP“, you didn’t stray, you’ve got nothing to work on. At least not in this particular instance. Don’t allow anyone to hint that this was your fault in any way. Working on it 100% comes precariously close to suggesting that you have some responsibility in this infidelity.

Bleeding hearts may be screaming:
- What if he wasn’t giving her enough attention?
- What if he wasn’t caring enough?
- What if he was abusive?
- What if the last gift he gave her really sucked?
- What if he wasn’t good enough in bed?
- What if he doesn’t earn enough?
- What if he……..?
All crap.
If any of these are reality in a relationship --- get out of the relationship before you drop your gear. Have the courage to walk away.
What’s that?
Oh yeah, you’re a cheater. Translation: a coward. Probably: a liar. Why would we expect more?
One last thought: Why do we encourage this abusive, mediocre behavior? She didn't make a mistake. She knew what she was doing and now she can't even handle the guilt, so she decided to really hurt the one she "supposedly" loves: by "coming clean".
North America - hell - the World: don’t accept infidelity!
There is no excuse. Feel free to argue and debate this point. I’m ripe for my opinion to be changed.
While arguing, I ask you to do one thing. Listen to those who argue that there are “exceptions” to the rule, the ones who claim that there are times when cheating may be acceptable, listen closely: could they be……..
If “PP” is stupid enough to take her back, I suggest: wear condoms.
Lindsay Wincherauk (aka: the seed) is co-author of the critically acclaimed book: Seed’s Sketchy Relationship Theories - A Guide to the Perils of Dating (How not to become a bar regular).
Lindsay Wincherauk (aka: the seed) is co-author of the critically acclaimed book: Seed’s Sketchy Relationship Theories - A Guide to the Perils of Dating (How not to become a bar regular).
Though he hasn’t played with Janet Jackson or the Digable Planets -- he has with himself -- sometimes twice in the same day.
As mentioned earlier, we’d like to solicit your help in finding a “cult” following for Ask Seed. We’d really dig any help you can with helping us to achieve that goal.
As mentioned earlier, we’d like to solicit your help in finding a “cult” following for Ask Seed. We’d really dig any help you can with helping us to achieve that goal.
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