Hello Friends!
Mr. X won’t go away my friends. He seems to enjoy languishing in a land of pain.
I have traveled far beyond feeling sorry for him. In fact, I’m having trouble keeping up with his ongoing saga. To date I have 8 installments. Mr. X is plain and simply just goofy.
Fun, that is the first time I used ‘goofy’ in my writings.

To bring you up to snuff here you may click on the links below. Not only will you find sagacious advice - you’ll find fun and funky artwork and photography. So sit back, relax and enjoy.
Don’t forget to check out http://www.seedenterprises.com/ and also feel free to fire your questions to the crew here at Seed Headquarters at askseed@hotmail.com . We promise to help lighten the loads of life. At least we promise to make you guffaw.
Question 18 The Infinite Saga of Mr. X - Part 1
My favorite picture in this post: Perfection.
This was a very tough call.
F Bomb meter: 4.
Question 18 The Infinite Saga of Mr. X - Part 2
My favorite picture in this post: Mirror.
F Bomb meter: 13.
Question 18 The Infinite Saga of Mr. X - Part 3
My favorite picture in this post: Mr. Popularity.
F Bomb meter: 5.
Question 18 The Infinite Saga of Mr. X - Part 4
Talked to Mr. X quite a bit last week. Mrs. X can't decide who she wants right now. "The decision will have to wait..... "
I don't think she is capable of "making a decision", because she is unsure of what she wants. However, I believe the fact that she can't decide in favor of Mr. X and their "marriage" is a clear decision against him.

Mr. X stated: "The relationship is over, but the marriage is not. Maybe she will decide in a few months or maybe at the end of the year, so living together now is not an option."
In any case, he is looking for a new apartment.
He also told me a bit of the "advice" from other people he had received. A priest he knows advised him: "You must fight for your relationship". A friend said he should "get revenge" on Mrs. X by sleeping with other women.
If there is any piece of "advice" that I truly hate then it is this one. What a load of crap.... What or who is he supposed to fight for? A woman who cheated on him? A woman who let him fly thousands of miles to visit her and then disrespect him by sending him away and sleeping with someone else? A person who isn't sure if she wants to be with him and shows him that by entertaining a relationship with someone else? Should he fight for a relationship which has absolutely no foundation, just a history of seven years?
Mrs. X gave the following reply, when Mr. X shared this tidbit of fantastic advice with her: "Oh, thank God you didn't 'fight' for me - that would only have driven me farther away...."
As for sleeping with other women: it is no longer cheating, as sex without a relationship is just sex. I don't think it would be good to jump into a new relationship, but maybe he should just start living for himself (and if that includes rebound sex then good for him).
I conveyed the advice you have given and listened as much as I could. I emphasized that if he feels that he needs to change, then only for himself and not because his cheating wife thinks he has to become more interesting, to have more drive, to become taller, funnier or younger.
Hopefully he will seize his chance to live and figure some things out for himself and not just "wait for a decision from Mrs. X". She stopped wearing her ring at least a month and a half ago and is considering moving to Boston to be with Doc India.....
That is the last segment for a while.
Best regards,
Dear FIN
Where the hell is my greeting?
No: Dear Seed?
No: Hey Seed?
No: Hey Wise Man who provides the world with generous helpings of brilliant bordering on genius advice complete with groundbreaking snippets of insight and comedic gems?
No: Hey Fucker.
“FIN,” that hurts. It really, really hurts. Are you starting to take me for granted? Are you trying to decide between my and another help guru? If you are I won’t wait. I won’t stick around. I deserve to be treated with respect. I deserve to be Number 1.
If you can’t live up to that, then I want you to get the fuck out of my kitchen. Now. I mean it.
What the hell are you doing in my kitchen anyway?
FIN has never been in my kitchen. Nor will he ever be. Maybe one day - who knows? I’m just thinking it is very unlikely. Not that FIN wouldn’t be a good friend to have. I think he would. He listens to his dumb assed lawyer friend Mr. X. That must certainly be a difficult task. The point: if FIN ever enters my kitchen without my permission, I’ll call the cops and whoop his ass.
You got that FIN?
I thought so.
“FIN,” I’ve thrown on my sagacious thinking cap and I’ve come up with an answer for you to relay to Mr. X.

An official seed apology
before he makes what some might feel
is an offensive comment
that borders on tasteless
but needs to be said.
End of:
An official seed apology
before he makes what some might feel
is an offensive comment
that borders on tasteless
but needs to be said.
Mrs. X is nothing more than a Dish Rag Whore.
She is using Mr. X up and playing him for the willing fool that he has become. Are lawyers stupid?
“FIN,” she knows exactly what she wants and it isn’t him. Sure since she’s been mopping up counter messes for such a long time now that she’s become festering and a tad smelly I might add, that all she really wants from any man is validation. She is consumed with her own lofty sense of self worth.
As I keep reading over Mr. X perplexing bouts of logic, “the relationship is over, but the marriage isn’t”, he may be the most mentally challenged lawyer ever. The marriage not being over is nothing more than column fodder. I didn’t want to say this, but FUCK: Open your eyes fool. What the fuck is a marriage without a relationship? A fucking useless piece of paper that other lawyers can sift through and make a few bucks from.
The longer he holds onto this illusion that she is going to suffer some form of irreparable brain trauma that will have her running back to him through meadows with open arms only to run right past him into the arms of next: HE IS ROYALLY SCREWED. And not in a hot fashionable way involving a hot royal vixen. But instead, a bend over and prepare for a battering ram to…
I also must say, nice advice from the peanut gallery. What the hell is fighting for the relationship? Wow Priest, is he supposed to pull Doc India or whomever else meets the height requirements to ride Mrs. X and, and, scream:
“Mrs. X I love you I don’t care if you are being…”
“Oh, Oh, I’m going to cum.”
Does his Priest friend truly believe seeing Doc India’s money shot is going to help Mr. X build esteem. The point: you can fight all you want for something that is DONE, it won’t do you any good. Even if you fucking succeed and WIN back her heart and love, what a ridiculously tarnished and marginal marriage.
C’mon people, repeat after me:
As for the other friend. What grade is he in? Any friend who suggests revenge needs to be inflicted with pain from the battering ram. Seriously, no wonder Mr. X is struggling with emotional issues, excluding you “FIN”, he’s hanging with morons.
I hope his moronic friend one day experiences a crab infestation. Better yet, gets to spend some intimate time with the Dish Rag.
You’re absolutely right, there is no relationship and nothing left to fight for. All he can do is retreat to whatever he can and start to repair himself. I hate banging on him so hard and I know he won’t listen. There are at least 4 more installments on their way.
“FIN,” I think part of the program needs to be you not always being available to listen to his schlep. Be his friend but take it off the menu every now and then. It is only fair to you and it may be the only way for him to figure out how fucking ridiculous he’s being.
I’ve tried desperately to save relationships with people who “didn’t know what they wanted right now”, translation, they didn’t want me and my efforts eventually lead to the land of pathetic broken loser. Fortunately it was only temporary and the L on my forehead wasn‘t permanent.
I’m going to leave you “FIN” with a new feature:
A Seed Question to Provide Relationship Clarity

In this case questions to ponder:
What is the point of trying to save broken relationships?
What is the point of saving a relationship with someone who has disrespected you and cheated on you along with dragging your heart through the ringer?
Can anything good come from giving up your confidence, pride and esteem?
Will desperation make you a better person?
Will being needy help you win back someone who doesn’t want you?
Can Doc India and others continue to “do” her?
Will you have wonderful kids who grow up in a loving environment if you get back together with DISH RAG?
Why would you even entertain the idea of getting back together with someone who is a flawed lover?
Don’t you deserve better?
end of seed question
“Fin,” Mr. X needs to ask himself some hard questions. Fortunately for him she doesn’t want to be with him.
That may be the only thing that saves this sad fucking chap from totally blowing out his fragile heart.
None of his dilemma has anything to do with love. It may have for a brief moment, but, for most of this journey all it is about is: selfishness, neediness, ego and some strange sense of entitlement.
I firmly believe that Mr. X has crossed the line and become a selfish prick. If he asks the questions above he’d realize that his relationship is long gone. I believe that he has asked himself those questions and many more.
His over inflated EGO and his competitive nature has created a situation where he is trying to WIN.
I’m just not sure what he is trying to win.
It makes absolutely no sense.
I know from experience. I’ve tried.
Victory doesn’t exist.
Remember you asked
the seed
(to be continued)
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