I feel like saying EL SEED!!!

I know you aren't Charlton Heston.
I just wanted to ask if you'd ever been dumped?
How did you feel and deal with it yourself?
Dumbo x
Dear Dumbo x
Thank you for the wonderful compliment.
Being compared to a film legend is quite an honor and I will take your compliment to be referring to my features which are “carved in stone.”
Do I really resemble Michelangelo, Ben-Hur and Moses?
(insert hysterical laughter)
The officials have decided to go upstairs on this one for a video review and have come to the conclusion that maybe your Chuck comparison isn’t necessarily a complimentary one.
Examining the facts, it has been concluded that despite Mr. Heston’s strong leading man attributes he does have a downside.
What possible downsides could you possibly be talking about, El Seed?
Interesting query Dumbo X, for instance the whole Alzheimer’s thing, I’m not sure if I’m too keen on that. Also, do we all need to be armed? I know it is a right (in the USA), but c’mon, how many stupid people do we want carrying guns? For God’s sake, look at the VP, he couldn’t distinguish the difference between a “man” and “water fowl” and he is the second in command.
The problem is who gets to define stupid?
I’m also not sure if I’m too excited about making it into several celebrity death pools.
“Seed you’re being a little too sensitive, just accept the damn compliment.”
I’ve just been informed by a 'big weenie' of a friend that I’m acting like a baby and need to look at the positives and in this case that being the inquisitor has compared me to one of Hollywood’s true leading men. Chuck’s career has spanned over 60 years and he has over 126 film credits under his gun-belt.
Julius Caesar, Wuthering Heights, The Private War of Major Benson, The Seeds of Hate, The Ten Commandments, Ben-Hur, Debbie Does Dallas, El Cid, Alf, Planet of The Apes, Queer as Folk and Earthquake just to name a few. What an honor to be mentioned in the same breath.
In fact, the reference to “El Cid”, magnificent!
“Although generally regarded as 'good but not great', I consider 'El Cid' to be the best film ever made.”
-egrorian - Glasgow Scotland.
Hey look, if “egrorian” from Scotland can make a statement like that, what does it say about me?
Bear with me as I take you off on a little journey. It appears as if Dumbo X is comparing me to one of the true silver screen icons. A man who has transcended time. A man who may arguably be misusing his celebrity to push antiquated rights. Nonetheless, a man who most would consider a sex symbol. A man who has with the exception of losing his mind, aged gracefully. A virginal man. A man…….

Seeing that our friend from Scotland believes that Charles acted in the “Greatest Movie” ever. If one was to extrapolate a meaning from such a statement, it may be that Charlie is one of the greatest actors of all times and if that’s the case that would make me, by default of course, potentially one of greatest actors in the world as well.
To carry it even further back to 1994 or there about, I was at my gym working out one day. On this particular day I was working my massive thighs, the day before I had worked my “guns of fading glory” to the point of redemption rendering hoisting my arms to eat as futile.
I had just finished a monster set of squats (the weight bar only) and was sitting on the bench quivering when I was approached and asked if I would like to participate in some 2-on-2 basketball.
Of course I would, I just worked legs and my arms though pumped were useless so playing basketball with complete strangers seemed to make perfect sense. Who cares if I embarrass myself on the court. A couple of the players looked a bit familiar, however, I couldn’t trip the code and come up with how I recognized them.
We hit the court and it was time for introductions.
“Dumbo X” you’d never guess who one of the players was?”
“Charlton Heston?”
“Hi, I’m David Duchovny.”
That’s right, I was going to be playing some b’ball with David Duchovny, how fucking cool!
The thing is, it was right at the start of the X-files and I really didn’t know who he was.
“Hi, I’m D. B. Sweeney. How’s it going?”
I did know who D. B. was, as I’m sure I had seen him in some stuff.
Needless to say I was stoked. I was playing with celebrities. The teams were formed D.B. and I vs. Mulder and the other guy.
Drive, shoot, pass, steal and taking it to the hole. The competition was fierce. The “guns of fading glory,” both intimidated and responded to the challenge allowing me to go downtown and hit the odd big shot.
These Hollywood pretty boys took the game seriously and no prisoners. They charged and drove through the lane with reckless abandon. A little too reckless as Mulder would find out as I bruised his ego and looks with a fierce elbow to protect my ground.
“Fox” took it in stride and the game continued and when victory was within our grasp, I stood in the corner clearing the court for my man D.B. to drive on his man “non descript actor,” and drive he did and sweet victory was ours.
By the way I was standing off on the side trying not to vomit.
"Why the story Seed? Why now?", you may be asking.
After I regained my composure and came down from my physical high and I was able to apply some significant form of sense to the victory, I went out and bought a magazine. Details.
Duchovny was on the cover. Apparently this whole X-files thing was on the verge of taking off. David was going to become a huge international star.
I read the article. Mulder grew up in NYC. Mulder was a great High School athlete. NYC is one of the biggest cities in the World. Mulder was (as mentioned in the article) one of the top basketball players in the city.
I know what you may be thinking: What the fuck does that have to do with Charlton Heston?
Hold on, if Fox Mulder was one of the best b’ball players in NYC (biggest cities in the world) and I beat him. I guess that makes me one of the greatest basketball players in the World.
That’s how it relates to Charlton Heston, not only was I compared to an actor in some Scottish guy's favorite movies, I beat another true celebrity at his game, which ultimately means: I’m one of the greatest acting basketball playing champions of our time.
Now do you see my point?
Who would dump that?
To answer your question?
I’ve been dumped 3 times and each and every time it sucked the big one.
Ultimately the reasons for the dumpings really don’t matter, it was my heart, soul and survival that quickly became paramount.
What being dumped did for me was help me to realize how fragile the matters of the heart are. You see I’m leading man handsome (snicker, snicker, snicker), ambitious, some would say funny, caring and compassionate.
When I fell in love I allowed myself to become vulnerable, I think that is the way it is supposed to be. I allowed myself to fall under the charms of another human being. I allowed myself to fight through conditions in an attempt to find truly unconditional love. I left myself open for hurt.
Dumped 1

My first time as the one dumped, I was caught totally off guard. I was told the usual “lies” that are often part of the program that are told in an attempt to protect feelings and mask the feelings of guilt the dumpster has for their actions.
I became stupid afterwards. I went into a self-help frenzy. I bought book after book. I solicited the advice of others. I expressed my need to be friends. I expressed that we had been through so much together. I gave unconditional gifts meant to indicate my undying love and friendship. Cards, flowers, rapid weight loss (thanks depression) and phone calls. I tried to “win” my love back.
“If only I could say I love you from the right angle, surely everything will be ok.”
“If we could only spend some more time together you’ll see the light and come back.”
What a load of crap and a massive waste of time. And to top it off, how manipulitave of me.
In all reality I was becoming pathetic.
"I love you. I love you. I love you. I’m so insecure. I’m so needy. I have no business being in a relationship. If I keep going down this path of despair I’m going to become a flawed lover incapable of loving myself."
I even attempted to end it all. On one sorrow-filled night I held my head under water in my bathtub. Fortunately my logical hand was paying attention and stopped my ridiculous attempt.
I was thinking how could I possibly go on without my “love”. I had forgotten that I was happy before she came into my life.
My behavior pushed my ex further and further away. Her guilt quickly turned to: “Go away leave me alone" and "What’s wrong with you?”
In time sanity prevailed and I finally accepted that I was no longer wanted. I came to the conclusion that keeping in touch was pointless.
Being friends for that matter was pointless.
- So you’re dating again?
- I can’t believe you’re fucking………
- That restaurant, song, movie or ___ used to be ours.
Or, you can desperately try to prove me wrong.
Better yet, change, because you’ve been told you’re not good enough the way you are. That's the ticket, try to change yourself to suit the requirements of someone who NO LONGER WANTS to be with you.
A Seed Moment of Pathetic Embarrassment
During the despair of Dumped 1, in a painfully weak moment I did a narration of the absolutely beautiful and hopelessly romantic Children’s book Off To Sea: A Romance by Richard Stine.
I did the narration complete with the Extreme song, More Than Words playing in the background. Amazingly after viewing the tape “my love” came running back to me and we’ve been living together happily ever after. She must’ve been thinking that if Seed is so in love with me that he would take the time to throw together this amazing tape full of love and commitment, how could I ever love anyone else?
I’m just fortunate my lame attempt "to end it all” was before this incident, if it wasn’t, my logical hand may have just continued to flip channels.
Gail, I’m sincerely sorry. It’s not vitally important to me now, but, I hope you’ve forgiven me for sending you the tape.
- - - take this time to grab a tasty treat from one of our concessions - - -
Dumped 2
Monday Morning March 2nd
The alarm goes off:
“Honey, we’re done.”
“I’m just not as happy as I could be.”
“It’s not you, I just need to change some things.”
“But you just moved in.”
“I’ve got to go to work now. I think we’ll be great friends.”
Four hours pass and upon return from work:
“Yeah honey, we’re still done.”
“I really love you. You’re an amazing guy.”
“What should we do about living together?”
“You’re an amazing guy, I’d like to keep living with you.”

Anger, dismay, disbelief, hunger, denial, despair, hurt, anger, confusion, loss, more hurt and endless bouts of uncontrollable crying ensued. Not initially. Initially, I figured my sweetie was on 'crack' and that once the toxins dissipated reason would prevail and bliss would return to our home.
I couldn’t be more wrong. Though I never saw it coming, when the pink slip of love is issued there really is no turning back.
In this instance, everything quickly was thrown into a land of despair and I’m amazed I ever escaped from it.
Friday March 6th
After four days of hurt and frustration:
“Don’t touch me we’re not dating anymore. We’re just friends now.”
“But I love you. You’re making a mistake…… Blah, blah, fucking blah.”
I had to get out of the place so I went to Choices Market. While there I ran into a 21 year old friend. He told me his life sucked. I hugged him. He went home and hung himself. His last words to me were, "My life sucks."
I cried some more and reached out to my ex for support. She went on a date.
I knew that I had to ask her move out, unfortunately, I couldn't find the strength and I didn't want to lose anything else.
Tuesday March 10th
I didn’t come straight home after work, home was no longer home for me. I went out for a few drinks and ran into another friend, a 28 year old restaurant manager. We used to hate each other because one of his quests was to score with my ex. I hated him for that. However, I respected his honesty, he didn’t pretend to be my friend.
Strangely because of his honesty we became friends. On this night he took me aside and told me that he must tell me something:
“I’m dying of cancer.”
Fuck. What’s going on? Why was trauma lining up at my door?
I took this news home with me and cried some more. I needed a hug. I was pushed away.
“We’re no longer dating. I do love you though.”
I think I may have been lied to.
Later I found out my dying friend had succeeded in his quest.
Trying to be compassionate while hate is in your peripheral is incredibly difficult at best.
Thursday March 19th
Ring, ring, ring………
My aunt was on the line. She was my closest remaning relative. I have 3 older brothers and 3 older sisters and unfortunately I watched my parents die a year and a half apart 17 years prior.
“I’m cutting your sisters out of my will.”
“Why?” Knowing full well that I was not going to enjoy the answer.
“Because they haven’t shown me respect and I feel that they’ve neglected me. I took care of them. One of them had a 'secret child' and I raised that baby for two years, without even a single thank you.”
Tears were starting to form again, “Why are you telling me this?”
With absolute confidence and a soul-scarring calmness, “Because I’m going to be leaving, I’m going to rest with my 'true love' Roy soon. I love you and wanted to talk to you before I go into the hospital. I’m going to miss you.”
Roy had passed away a couple of years ago.
By this time the tears were uncontrollable, I was weeping and I was certain the despair would never end. I wanted to be strong, I couldn’t summon the strength needed, guilt had crept in, I felt like my emotions weren’t important. I wanted to supress them and be strong for my Aunt. I felt like I was failing her in that moment. She was at ease with her mortality, unfortunately I wasn't and I couldn’t contain my tears.
“I love you too. I don’t want this to be true.”
We talked on a few occasions following this this horrific day and in reality this was our goodbye. She died just over a month later.
Three days after her death the phone rang again, this time my sisters were on the line, my last uncle died unexpectedly in his sleep the night before. I was now officially emotionally spent.
As for my ex, I needed hugs. They didn’t come. She was in the process of replacing me and that was the only thing that mattered. In hindsight, we really shouldn’t have been still living together. It was becoming an unbearable festering toxic broth, destined for eruption.
April - August
Heartache and blind stupidity continued. I was too fucking weak to throw her out. I was on a program of need. Totally acceptable considering the extreme circumstances. Despite the current crises not being my ex’s doing, compassion wasn’t a strong suit. I was supposed to be getting over things.
"If you want to be friends you have to get used to me dating others."
How stupid was I to expose myself to this?
Even our mutual friends thought: I had changed.
Great friends don't you think?
Throw together in a big pot, a breakup, 4 deaths, infidelity, friend and family alienation all within a 2-month time period, stir it all up and see what comes out the other end, let alone survives to come out the other end.
No shit I had changed.
As if this wasn’t enough trauma for a lifetime, life’s bizarreness meter wasn’t done rising and I was faced with news of more infidelity, lies, disrespect, causing absolute and total despair, resulting in sleepless, tear-filled nights. I had cried on 97 consecutive days.
To top it all off I found out by accident that my whole life was an illusion, a monumental lie. Maybe I’ll share that story with you later. I think I’ve shared enough for now.
Our living situation became out of control and ended abruptly when some strong words were exchanged, photos were destroyed and we both crossed the lines of repair.
My ex had to leave immediately. No more pretend friendship.
Despite being over for quite some time this was the conclusion of an incredibly heated and passionate relationship. A relationship in which I was sure was “the one.”
I wasn’t and it wasn’t my fault. In reality it wasn’t even in my control.
Dumped 3
After some time had passed and my esteem was intact again, I fell in love. Dumped 2 had lasted exactly 16 months. Dumped 3 was a couple of days shy of the 16 month mark when the hammer fell and it came to an abrupt end.
Once again, I went through a gamut of emotions. Once again, I was destroyed. Once again, I had left myself vulnerable. Once again, I was lost.
This had been my most fulfilling relationship thus far. My new ex had given so much to me and shown so much love and support. I was allowed to chase after my dreams. Never was there a question of my ambition. My love supported me both emotionally and financially. I likely would’ve starved without the support.
Certainly, my drive and commitment to my craft would more than repay the investment.
Once again, I didn’t see it coming. It came though - at a bad time.
A Seed Insight

There is no “good time” to be dumped or to dump. There may be times when the dumper is trying to inflict more pain on the dumped, in an attempt to stamp a selfish reminder on the act (i.e.: birthdays, Valentines Day, Christmas, August 22nd and other special occasions). However, if you are unhappy in your relationship and have soul-searched and come to the conclusion the end is near, just end it, don’t prolong the suffering. If you do "end it," just be cognizant of the calendar and the impact it may burden the person your dumping with.
If you’re not cognizant: Aren’t you a selfish……?
The no “good time” formula also applies to death. The only difference I don’t think “dying*” can be selfish.
*suicide excluded.
End of Seed insight
Of course it was a bad time, I thought my solo journey through life was finally over. Unfortunately it wasn’t. My ambition came with a price. My ex needed stability and my dreams weren’t providing it. The end wasn’t due to a lack of love, it was more a product of different needs.
In a sense this loss hurt the most.
I accepted that I was loved. Without question, my ex understood who I was and what was needed to ensure continued happiness. I wasn’t in a position to provide what was needed so instead of asking me to change, the decision was made to let me live my own life.
I respect that and it does show a tremendous love - for both of us.
I still make mistakes. I make the odd call. I know that: It’s too early for the calls, because nothing has changed and until it has there can be no possible rewind on the relationship.
I do have a fondness for each of my past loves and I will always have a place in my heart for each one of them.
Dumped Synopsis

“Dumped 3” without question hurt the most as I was loved on an “almost” unconditional level. I wish it would have survived the tests of time. I really hate waking up alone. I’d love if we reconnected, however, if that is my sole goal, it will never happen.
The key element to the broken heart is “almost” unconditional. Almost isn’t enough.
I came to terms with things by realizing almost isn't enough. Like everyone else I’m scared and scarred. I may even be a tad bit bitter and jaded. I don’t think that I am.
Thanks for your question. This stuff is incredibly personal to share and I hope you appreciate that by doing so I’m trying to help and at least offer some fresh perspective.
My experiences may mirror the experiences of others, conversely there is a uniqueness to them and collectively I couldn’t imagine three such dramatically different scenarios.
Once the clouds had cleared and the sun began to shine again on my life I came to understand that I have no control over the emotions and love decisions of others. My past loves made their decisions for reasons that made perfect sense to them and it is not my place to question those decisions. In fact, questioning to me is offensive and a sign of not respecting their wishes.
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Being dumped sucks. Being desperate and needy sucks even more. If you're too desperate and needy you have absolutely no business being in a relationship. It won’t work. Learn to love yourself first. Towel optional!
I’d like to say that it gets easier each time. It doesn’t. That’s a good thing. For me that is a sign that I'm not chasing the same relationship over and over again. Each relationship has good & bad and happy & sad moments. The process of falling in love, becoming vulnerable and allowing myself to hurt, has hopefully brought me closer to that one beautiful relationship - my last intimate one. Towels mandatory!
I’ve learned a lot from these relationships, probably the most important and difficult lesson is that if your relationship ends, break all contact*. It is vital for your future development. It may be a difficult rule to follow, however, I do guarantee that it is the only thing that makes sense and is necessary if you want to recover from the heartache. The day the love hammer falls is the day that the friendship comes to an end. Unless of course you want to fill your life with friends who either don’t want you in their lives or no longer love you.
You may kid yourself and try to hold on desperately to an ex. As long as your ex is still single you may be able to continue seeing them keeping the illusion of getting back together alive. That is as long as your ex is single. If you don't break all ties and go out and fix yourself guess what? Once your ex starts a new relationship you'll get to go over the heartache of being dumped all over again. There are only rare exceptions to this rule.
Also difficult to accept is the fact that when people break up there is always a reason for it or several reasons for that matter. Regardless of who is to blame or if monumental changes have to be made the relationship is failing and the only possible way to salvage it (which in all likelihood isn't possible), is to leave the situation, do a self inventory and change yourself if you feel change is in order. Basically change on your own schedule and of your own accord.
As always I encourage discussion and debate on this topic. Some may argue that all that is required to save the relationship is some open communication. "We must express what we need from one another."
I say: "What a load of crap."
Yes, communication in a relationship is vital. Mature loving people understand that. I'm just saying that if someone is uttering, "I'm breaking up with you" or any of its countless other versions, its way too late for communication and the decision has already been made. Even if the one who has been "dumped" delivers some compelling post break-up "communication," buying themselves a little time by upping the guilt quotient on the "dumper." The victory will likely be short lived. Communication in relationships starts early, if you and your lover are not communicating: Do you really have a relationship? Now c'mon people, quit being so friggen needy. It didn't work for me.
Do people really end relationships because the toothpaste tube is squeezed in the middle?
I've just been told the answer is yes so let me reword the question: Would you want to live your life with someone who was willing to throw away a relationship because you squeeze the toothpaste tube in the middle?
If your answer is "yes", good luck.
Hold on a second, you're not off the hook yet. If your lover has "communicated" to you that it drives them crazy (squeezing in the middle), quit being such a baby and grow up. Your other option is to send me a question when your lover dumps your sorry ass.
Therfore, I'm sticking to my guns: If your relationship is at the point of break up, you've in all likelihood missed the communication boat. Carrying it a step futher, if you're in a relationship of any duration (more than a year), and you're having trouble finding words to share with each other or you aren't comfortable talking to one another, then maybe, just maybe, you're with the wrong person. There is a big difference between comfortable silence and awkwardness.
Once again, debate if you must. My opinion is open for change. However, I think it may be time that we collectively as a society quit trying to force ourselves on those we supposedly love. Are we all too blind to see that a 50% divorce rate represents failure and creates a plethora of other problems for future generations to try to fix?
In my estimation only about 25% of those who marry have made the right decision. The ones who've found their "true love" and over time their love has grown and shown "staying power".
Sure they have challenges, maybe even significant rough patches, but for the most part they look inward first, communicate and realize that their love for one another is always paramount. Squeezing toothpaste is never an issue.
The rest of us are making counsellors and lawyers wealthy. I'd even go as far as saying that most of us don't know what "love" is and that we continually go around and chase after unsustainable "love highs." Then once we "crash" we start to look for flaws in our lovers and for a way out. We've all done it. It's time to stop. It's also time to stop as difficult as it may be, to trying to hold onto people who no longer want to be with you.
Instead go out and date. As many people as you need to. Don't have an agenda. Communicate. Work on yourself at all times. Listen. If you find the love waning look inwards first. If you decide that you "love" but are "not in love" exit stage right and don't look back. At least not till a significant amount of time passes.
If you are the dumper
Stick to your guns and break all contact. It is imperative that you do this if you love the person you've just devastated. If you don't your really being a selfish ____?
Give it just an ounce of thought: You've just trashed someone's heart and soul and they really need to find a way to come to terms with what has just happened. If you linger around, go to movies, dinner and try to "remain" friends with them, then you're in all reality fucking with their fragile hearts and stripping away their esteem. Quit being so selfish. They love you. They can't live without you. We get it and that's why you have to let them go.
What's that? You like the attention? That's what I figured.
Even if you have a tremendous fondness for the one you just dumped get away. If you don't you are showing zero respect and you're just leading them on. Regardless of how well they seem to be taking things continued contact fills their fragile minds with hope and prolongs the healing process.
One last thing: If you really want to continue spending time with your ex because they are so wonderful, loving, caring and on and friggen on, I have a suggestion for you: Go take a good hard look at yourself in a mirror and do a a self inventory.
When you're done with that inventory ask yourself: Why am I being so damn selfish and needy?
If you come to the conclusion that you still want to see your newly dumped ex, then I suggest change yourself and get back together. If they even want you back.
If you don't want to change or get back together and if they don't want you back, hug each other, say goodbye, get back to living and chalk this relationship off as bringing you one step closer to your last intimate relationship. If that's what you're looking for to begin with.
Don't let your ego cloud your mind, you've just dumped someone it's not your place to help pick up the pieces.
If you are the one dumped
I know it's hard but quit lying to yourself:
- He/she was not the love of your life.
- You will be able to live without your ex.
- If you can't live without your ex, may I suggest getting some serious help. You've got much bigger problems.
- You don't want to be "just friends."
- Quit doing things for your ex.
- It wasn't a perfect relationship.
- The song, restaurant, movie and whatever doesn't belong to you.
- Spending more time together will do little good.
- Love letters don't show love, they show manipulation and neediness. If you write too many of them welcome to the land of pathetic. If you continue to write them welcome to the land of restraining order.
- They are not the most beautiful/handsome person in the world.
- You may have been "through so much together," but did you ever take the time to think that "being through so much" is painfully tiring and may be the reason for the breakup.
Don't forget to give yourself some credit:
- If the sex was really that good: weren't you a part of it?
- You'll likely grow from the traumatic experience and in time move onto better more loving relationships.
- Your ex will likely continue to pursue short lived "love highs" and they won't grow until they're one day dumped themselves.
- If the "core" of you is strong, meaning: you're a well-rounded person who is ambitious, caring and loving, being dumped doesn't change that fact.
- You deserve to loved unconditionally.
- Quit trying to hold on to something that no longer exists.
- Remember you loved this person and they are likely feeling a truck load of guilt for hurting you.
- Trust that they don't want to hurt.
- Understand that when "love" is involved it really doesn't matter what side of the coin you fall on, breaking-up sucks bat-dung and it is going to hurt.
- The dumper likely has dealt with the break up long before the dumped clues in or accepts the relationships demise.
- They've likely talked to friends, family, their pets and even strangers, wrestling with their decision and whether it is the right one or not.
It's now up to both parties to limit the pain and suffering. The best way is to avoid all contact if possible. In fact it may be imperative.
If you "really did love**" each other, now is the time to show it: let them walk away. If you don't, you don't really love them and perhaps you don't even love yourself.
Fortunately he/she were not the love of your life.
Let's all quit using the word "love" so freely. It really screws people up.
**Here's the thing: if you didn't love one another and you've been dumped and you are desperately trying to hold on to your lost love, you've got much bigger problems to deal with and I suggest getting some help to sort them out before you even consider another relationship.
If you follow these suggestions, maybe, just maybe, sometime down the road a new friendship can form with and old love interest. It’s unlikely, however, the only way it can possibly happen is if you both go away and change.
*There are a few exceptions to the break contact rule:
When children are involved.
- Business issues.
- Financial issues.
- Property issues.
- All of the above, plus…….
I’ve got one question for you: Who would possibly dump a Duchovny beating, Hestonesque looking passionate and ambitious man like moi?
Sorry one more question: Why do so many of us want to be with with people who no longer want us?
The question is rhetorical.
Remember you asked……
the seed
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