It is also on the verge of being optioned and turned into a movie.
Both the book and movie will become rousing successes!
A stroke of my…
Before I dive head first into the bushy hallow life of Mr. & Madame X --- a pause was required to drink in a bit of praise for the Ask Seed factory. FIN, thanks for the appreciation, it’s what glazes my soul.
Question 18 The Infinite Saga of Mr. X - Part 4 + FIN Commentary
Hello my Brother, Guru of Relationships, Man of Knowledge and just plain my best Friend.
How was that for a greeting?
I loved it. Great analysis and advice. And the photo at the end: beyond words......
Mr. X's "problem" is so symptomatic of relationships today. He is the problem. It is the first woman he ever slept with and he married her. He can't let go and that is exactly what will cause it to never work out. He refuses to give her time and the chance to work out her shit and get her life together.
He is trying (although he claims he isn't) to force a decision in his favor. I think you're right: how manipulative.
And I must correct myself in saying that he has no self esteem. That only applies to relationships. He is indeed arrogant, because he thinks that talking himself into "saving his marriage" and "thinking things out, the way they are supposed to be" is a substitute for a loving relationship with a partner (in this case his wife, who apparently can't decide between him and Doc India).
Sounds like he should date himself.
Take care, my Brother - once again, excellent work!!
It’s been awhile since I’ve ventured down the salty toxic love path of the Xs. I suggest if you’re not up to speed with this train wreck of a relationship --- visit the table of contents on the left, read the previous X q & a chapters, sit back, enjoy. You may even stumble across a picture of my penis kitty if you look hard enough.
Now where was I?
Question 18 The Infinite Saga of Mr. X - Part 5
Here is an update on the continuing saga of Mr. X.
Was talking to him the other day.
Told me he was going out with some friends to have a few drinks and hang out. I thought "great, a chance to live a bit and get his mind off Mrs. X".
If it were only that easy. While out with his friends, he received a text message from Mrs. X. She "wanted to speak to him" and was out in a nearby bar.
Mr. X replied: "Let's talk tomorrow" (thinking "I am having a good time for once...")
Mrs. X said: "It is really important, I must see you. Let's meet in 10 minutes in front of Bar X."
Mr. X: "OK."
Ten minutes later...
Mrs. X: "I really miss you."
Mr. X: "OK." (Thinking: "That is information I could have been able to use five months ago if you hadn't decided to cheat on me with Doc. fucking India.). "I am going home now."

In any case, he no longer was in the mood to hang out with friends. He went home, she went back to the bar she had been in and hung with her friends. I can only hope for him that he doesn't fall for the "I miss you" line. If he does, then he can "miss her" too, when she heads off to Harvard and Doc. India....
The next day at work he received a call from her. She was totally pissed off and asked in the manner and tone of an inquisitor: "Who have you told about us? Did you tell my sister? Your parents? How could you?!" His otherwise normal day was ruined and he could only think about the situation.
The thing is, Mr. and Mrs. X have a number of common friends, her sister is together with a good friend of his. This situation has its advantages when things are rosy. Yet, when someone decides to fuck everything up by cheating and disrespecting their partner, the situation can become uncomfortable.
In any case, Mr. X answered: "I talked to people because I needed to. I didn't tell them the details but I have every right to talk about the situation."
Wow, I can understand that Mrs. X may not feel good amongst friends and acquaintances who have been filled in on the situation. However, she caused the situation in the first place and shouldn't wonder that it could become "uncomfortable".
Why are people so fucking selfish?
Dear FIN
Welcome back friend. Did you miss me? Well, did you? Tell me, tell me, tell me!
Of course you did. Sometimes when I get really lubricated on a combination of Absinthe, Orange Whips and Cheetos, I fall into a maze-like labyrinth of confusion, being swallowed by 1000s of velvety furry arms which are reaching out and caressing my emotional state where bliss meets sexuality, culminating in a cornucopia of pleasure and guilt. At first while still clothed the gentle whips of the fur covered arms scare me --- as layers of clothes are ripped from my taught body, shit I forgot to wear underwear, and the Absinthe begins to quash reason, the strokes turn from fear to something much more euphoric, I heave, my breathing becomes sallow. Lights of color flash before me. Red, green, blue, red again. Heat engulfs me, my pulse races and my being becomes vascular until I can take no more. Another stroke, that’s the spot, and release! Sweat beads on my forehead and I gasp for air as I try to regain composure. Ewe… the Cheeto dust clumps.
Sobriety returns, I too missed me. Welcome back me!
Why are people so selfish?
Before I get to the question I need to shower. Just a sec… come with me. Turn, turn, turn… about midway on the dial. Nice, warm, toasty warm, a little lather and…
“She came from Providence. One in Rhode Island. Where the old world shadows hang heavy in the air. She packed her hopes and dreams like a refugee. Just as her father came across the sea. She heard about a place people were smiling. They spoke about…
…I don‘t know why. You call someplace paradise, kiss it good bye.”
Hop out dripping wet, grab a towel, gentle on the balls, back, neck, some more ball time, and refreshed.
Cause is the answer. Selfishness is only removed, for the most part, when life knocks you down and when you get up and pry your eyes open, in my case, eye open, and you see things for what they are. Complete with all of the glorious dysfunction. Mr. & Mrs. X are just doing what people do --- fucking each other up emotionally. I hate judgment, however, it’s very apparent they were never meant to be together. Mr. X can try to debate that if he thinks it will sway the opinions of…I don’t even know who. Most people don’t care. “FIN” you’re a good friend to him as you are willing to be subjected to his insanity. Unfortunately, the Xs are like most, we live in a brilliant world and an astonishing universe, both of which are indefinable expanses of opportunity and excitement. Man however, seems to have this predisposition to destroy themselves.
Everyone begins life’s journey selfish. It’s ingrained in us starting at birth and it continues during childhood, for most. We walk down these paths where if we are raised in a loving environment we are showered with praise, protection and love, and if the shower is excessive, we become entitled. This deposits us in a place where reference to the pain of others is removed and compassion usually falls into writing a cheque to some worthy cause, which we think gives us the right to continue down the road of marginal. Beholden to no one. But only on the surface.
The longer one goes without experiencing trauma, the less they understand, a positive product of selfish, these people usually get what they want. They expect it. Whether that is, financial success, sex, ‘pretend’ love, and basically, everything. In fact, the longer one goes unscathed, selfish is all they can be as they’ve lived in a reality that is unsustainable. When trauma finally visits these people they’re often lacking depth and struggle with recovery. Instead of becoming less selfish, they act out. They become belligerent, and they demand the smooth ride to continue.
When their friends face trauma, they usually can’t handle it, don’t want to hear about it, and offer shallow words, “a lot of people.” Which hurts deeply and leaves the one suffering in more pain. Fair-weather comes to mind.
As for those who aren’t raised in a loving environment. Selfish is often the only way. It’s their way to fight for survival. These individuals are deeply damaged and finding self is likely to be a life long struggle. Along their journey there are shouts for attention. To be noticed. They try to suppress the pain by covering it in a heavy cloak and avoiding confronting it. It festers, and never heals. It can’t. Closure isn’t an option because no answer to the betrayal they’ve experienced can soothe their soul. So, they resist evolving and have a tendency to sabotage everything good that comes their way. Again, ingrained, they’ve been conditioned to believe they’re not good enough, never will be, and ultimately don’t deserve to be.
The pain they experience often manifests itself in: brilliance, substance abuse, alcohol abuse, sexual promiscuity, more brilliance, and bursts of success followed by crashing falls from grace. People are drawn to them, but can’t understand or define them so they periodically lash out at these broken individuals. “You’re not like the rest of us.” Hurtful words that in essence brings hope. Not like the rest… Is that the birthplace of genius?
There is hope, some of the neglected learn to cope, they develop a keen sense for dysfunction, they don’t judge, they just see things for what they think they are! And, they express those thoughts. The neglected are the best friends to have when the inevitable trauma hits home for others because instead of, “a lot of people were.” They offer silence and comfort. They have reference, therefore, they understand calming actions are far greater than subjective words.
Regardless of where one comes from if an individual pulls off their tinted glasses and drinks in both the beauty and the tragic fucking mess the world has to offer, then, and only then, can they cast aside selfishness and have a positive impact on life.
In fact: it’s the responsibility of those who “are not like the rest” to steer the world into the next phase in the evolution of mankind!
FIN (who represents good), a transformation in thought is taking place for me. I still think there is a lot of crap out there. God, here comes the bolt, is f#@king messing up. Don’t take that too seriously, God. If you’re listening, I’m sure you’ve got a plan for the betterment of life. You do, don’t you? All this killing, war, racism, hatred and shit, there is a point to all the suffering, right? Sorry for distracting you, I’ll let you get back to it. If you’d like some of my suggestions: fire me an e-mail. The addy is… I don’t need to tell you, you know it! *SMILE*
As for my transformation: The world and the universe are brilliant places and it is our responsibility to focus on the good and to suppress the bad. Be aware, but let it die off in the background. Just imagine if everyone on this rock stopped buying into the divisive hatred our hearts are filled with by our politicians and corporate juggernauts, what incredible shifts in the quality and meaning of life would instantly take place.
We all bleed red. And fuck the powers that be for trying to divide us, keep us down, indebted, and looking over our shoulders. Most people, although selfish, just want to find a way to be happy. We’re collectively being corrupted by manufactured needs that lead to greed, selfishness, and hatred. We’re precariously close to blowing this whole thing up due to these elements. Must keep others out… we’re protecting our ways of life. Buying stuff! Can’t let others buy stuff! It’s ours. Newsflash: the stuff is overpriced and it’s for the most part, crap. I’m a capitalist --- but at the same time I see things for what they are. I could be wrong. NAH!

Anyway, last blast of seriousness. It’s time to rewrite some of the fundamental rules for the world. These are my suggestions and they carry no religious or political agenda with them. It’s time to rid the shall not and bring everything current. Shall not is laced with guilt and what do you do when someone challenges you?.. that’s right, rebel.
seed’s eight laws of life
- Let others die of natural causes.
- If it’s not yours, leave it alone unless you ask politely to borrow it.
- Let others live their own lives. Translation: As long as they’re not hurting you, leave them be. They may be fucked up. But they are going to let you die of natural causes and they’re not messing with your stuff, so leave them alone. Check your ego at the door and understand we can’t save others. There is no merit badge for it… so quit it. All you can do for someone in trouble is listen, offer comfort and a smile.
- Don’t fuck up the Children. Don’t you get it dumb-ass the world belongs to them, not you.
- Clean up a little bit before you leave.
- Smile and be kind to others.
- Only get married if your relationship is not work!
- Friends are just that, friends. They’re not gay, straight, black, white, burgundy, covered with furry tentacles, or anything else. As said, just friends. With one exception: when you are referring to me you can say, “My deceptively hot friend who has a brilliantly sized explosive package.” Okay!
Penalty for noncompliance, it’s simple, you don’t get to play anymore. Harsh! Sure, but just think seed’s eight laws could replace the gazillion that we’re faced with everyday. We wouldn’t need the others. No more $150 fines for idling your vehicle for more than 3 minutes. And damn it! No more cleaning schedules on the fucking fridge! I live alone and even mine isn’t working.
No more bazillion % divorce rate as people would finally stop following the flawed formula of love. If it takes a lot of work, you’re either not ready for marriage, or you’re not with the right one. Argue till your head explodes. Look at the Xs, what’s their chance for happily ever after if they get back together?
As for the Xs: they're both selfish. They don’t know any other way. Hopefully they evolve and realize selfish is greed and it is filled with hurt. And until the world changes, with a little nurturing from each of us who’ve evolved, selfish is just the way it’s going to be. However, one-by-one as the pain intensifies, people will begin to realize the way to a better future is wrapped in an embrace and a smile!
Hey, I was just wondering: Why don’t the Xs just drink at their own bar?
remember you asked
the seed
postscript 1
Where’d I put my towel. Mmm… Cheeto dust. Yummy!
postscript 2
Go buy our first book at
postscript 3
I’m not nuts!
postscript 4
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